A Hubspot survey from two years ago showed businesses that blog acquire 67% more leads than those who do not, among other benefits. Meaning there’s really no downside to blogging regularly, other than perhaps the time expenditure involved.
As a tech startup, you need to keep your brand on the cutting edge, smack dab in the middle of every possible search query you can, in order to establish authority and grow revenue in our technology-heavy modern society.
Here are 6 great post topic ideas that every tech brand can add to their idea chest:
1. Trends shaping your niche and related industries
Tech trends are great for keeping your visitors and valued customers informed, while allowing for some shameless self-promotion of your brand at the very same time. Particularly if you can point to trends shaping customer needs and position your company as the answer to that specific need.
For example, consider the current issues experienced by ecommerce stores and monetized blogs: Every 100-millisecond delay in load time is believed to result in 1% in lost revenue, as per Amazon findings from a few years ago. This is still a major problem that needs to be solved in 2017. Consider the implications of a blogpost detailing the problem to online marketers and positioning your service as a solution that can potentially solve 99% of uptime issues.
2. Your (old, new, upcoming) products and services
Profanity alert! There are few things dirtier on the Internet than a “promotional” post about yours or any other products or services. However, when used sparingly, they’re not only be profitable, but actually appreciated by those viewing your blog.
Just the term “review” on its own when pasted into Google brings back nearly 4-billion results. Limit promotional pieces to 1 in every 5 non-promo posts or risk alienating even your most loyal visitors.
3. How-to (insert subject here)
We all know the power of how-tos. However, many technology brands find these kinds of post to be self-defeating, feeling that offering such posts will hurt sales of products meant to solve the very problems a free step-by-step DIY would help them with. How-tos might seem counter-intuitive, but they’ve proven to be one of the most logical ways to push more sales that exist online today.
Consider that most customers seeking a how-to DIY solution may not be able to do the tasks you post about on their own. What if your how-tos end up discouraging prospects from doing things on their own and cause them instead to come to the epiphany that you (ie., the person trying to help them) are the best person for the job, or have a product that can save them loads of time?

4. Awards and recognition (given to you and your competitors)
This one should be a given for any tech startup seeking to improve market share. Letting your readers know you’ve been honored with a prestigious award in your industry will only bolster your brand and improve sales.
Doing the same when your competitor gets an award makes you a responsible corporate partner, while also helping your site rank for breaking news about your competitors, thus putting your brand in front of the very brands you’re trying to usurp.
5. Industry-related news
Although getting awarded for your achievements should also be considered industry news, your tech startup should also focus on news related to the industry as a whole. News in the tech space is something that changes hourly in the hustle and bustle of the modern world. It doesn’t matter if you’re the first to share it either.
For instance, an app brand can and should post about breaking news related to the latest incarnation of the iPhone, or Samsung’s latest and greatest Galaxy release. Doing so will only help your sales in the long run.
6. Reviews (people, products, services)
Reviews are among the most “promotional” type of posts you can do. They don’t have to be about your products though. Obviously, you can post user or staff generated reviews about your own products, that’s a give. However, they don’t even have to be a tech product to be relevant to your users.
Perhaps one of your editors or writers bought a new leaf blower over the weekend and had a terrible experience with the product and/or the manufacturer’s customer service? Why not use your blog as an opportunity to start pulling searches into the blog that you may have otherwise not benefited from?
More ideas, anyone?
If you have some great tech post topics you think are real winners, please post them for everyone’s benefit.